Taking Control – The Story of Self Determination in the Arctic

This will probably be a very interesting blog…so much history that needs to be taught to our children, grandchildren and those that now call the Arctic their home.   This was done during Jeslie Kaleak Sr.’s administration for the NSB.   A very valuable read and history.

Many leaders like Jeslie were sent out for education, leaving home for a long 9 months of the year.   God had a plan for them, a plan to prosper and a plan to succeed in leading their people.

I remember my older siblings as well, leaving for their education.   It was always a short summer for us with them.   They would stay in Barrow while we spent a lot of our summers at our fish camp.

I don’t know what it will take for our NSBSD Board of Education to take this valuable book and use it as curriculum for our students, if it hasn’t been introduced yet.

The book tells of what our leaders went through to get our land claims, our Municipal Home Rule Government in place and our other non-profit agencies along with the Tribes working together for the best interest of our people and our future.

We cannot take it lightly as residents and not just think about today or tomorrow, but let’s think about the future of our grandkids and their grandkids.   Let’s make wise choices.


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