I could not say a lot of things because I was employed and appointed as a Judge but since that is gone for now, I can freely speak.

I was probably one of the lowest paid Manager/Director/administrator of the Tribe. I can tell you that I made $34 per hour for managing probably one of the most advanced Tribal Court in Alaska. You know I didn’t do it for the money but because it was and is my passion to see families thrive and succeed.  I managed 3 large grants and it was not because of my doing but it was the blessing of God because He is my Covenant and covering.

As Tribal Members, there is a big discrepancy in salaries/wages in the Tribe. If you are a friend of the Executive Director, you can make at least $20 more than my pay. As Tribal Members, you have every right to ask to look at the books of the Tribe. The reason we found out about the discrepancies in pay was back in November when confidential information got put on the Public drive. Not just pay scales but confidential Children’s matters.

One of our short term Executive Directors had mentioned that our Tribe needs to be federally audited because of discrepancies he saw. There was a bonus given to employees a couple of years ago after our long term Executive Director resigned.  The bonus given was based on years worked there for their benefit.  This bonus was not approve by then council members and it was questioned but because majority of the council worked for the Tribe, it did not go anywhere.

I fear for the financial stability of our Tribe.    Who can help, who can intervene when you have an Executive Director with 2 contempt charges from the Court, as well as the Tribal Council members.

I was threatened by a Tribal Council Member when the first contempt charge was delivered to this council person whom I will call ___, she told the Tribal Court staff “doe-doe can shove it up her ass” and “I will find a way to get her fired”.    She succeeded because she sits in authority as a Tribal Council member.  She has two contempt charges and still makes decisions for the tribe like the rest of the council.



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